On January 26, 2021, Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Christina Cobb and Deputy Emmalamecca Long were terminated for Breach of Security.

The terminations stem from an incident that occurred on July 22, 2020. An internal affairs investigation revealed that both Cobb and Long failed to maintain proper security of an inmate holding area. This failure to follow protocol resulted in a male and female inmate engaging in a consensual sexual encounter. It was determined that Cobb and Long violated the following Bibb County Sheriff’s Office policies.

Violation of Rules:

Employees shall not commit any acts or omit any acts which constitute a violation of any of the rules, regulations, directives, policies, or orders of the Sheriff’s Office or Macon-Bibb County Government, whether stated in this policy or not.

Unbecoming Conduct:

Conduct unbecoming an employee shall include that which brings the Sheriff’s Office into disrepute or reflects discredit upon the employee as a member of the Sheriff’s Office, or that which impairs the operation or efficiency of the Sheriff’s Office or the employee.

Unsatisfactory Performance:

Employees shall maintain sufficient competency to properly perform their duties and assume the responsibilities of their positions. Employees shall perform their duties in a manner, which will maintain the highest standards of efficiency in carrying out the functions and objectives of the Sheriff’s Office.

After this incident was discovered it was turned over to the Office of Professional Standards for investigation. Deputy Cobb was suspended on July 23, 2020 pending the investigation. Deputy Long’s involvement was discovered in the course of the Internal Affairs investigation. The investigation into this case was delayed because some of the individuals involved were stricken with the Covid-19 virus.

Cobb and Long were terminated as employees with the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at the direction of Sheriff David Davis.