The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is one of 14 law enforcement agencies in Georgia to receive a L.E.A Technology grant that the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police is administering for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. This grant was made to a limited number of law enforcement agencies.
On April 1, 2019 the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office received a total of $25,893.30 for the purchase and installation of mobile data units.
The funds from this grant were utilized to purchase and install mobile data terminals for marked police vehicles; that are used for routine traffic enforcement/patrol, and to facilitate the electronic reporting of all traffic crash data. With this grant Bibb County Sheriff’s Office purchased five Panasonic tough book computers and the associated mounting equipment. The five computers were installed on five of seven motorcycles assigned to the Traffic Unit. The grant funds enabled BCSO to outfit its remaining five motorcycles with equipment that allows Traffic Deputies to better serve the citizens of Bibb County.
Installation of the mounts and docking stations took place on May 28, 2019 and May 29, 2019.
As a recipient of the grant the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office agrees to continue to submit crash data electronically to the GA. Department of Transportation via GEARS (Georgia Electronic Accident Reporting System) in a timely manner and to inform parties involved in a crash of the ability to purchase crash reports online at