Bibb County Sheriff’s Office patrol deputies responded to a call of a stolen vehicle, that was taken from Southern Lane, on November 26, 2022. Deputies spoke with the vehicle’s owner and was able to track the vehicle to an address that was located at 833 Bass Road. The vehicle had a tracking device from the Ford manufacturer.
When patrol deputies arrived at the Bass Road address, they began to drive down the long driveway and noticed that someone was inside of the stolen vehicle and was backing it up, behind the residence. The driver that was inside of the vehicle, fled the scene on foot, leaving the stolen vehicle behind. Patrol deputies knocked on the door of the residence and made contact with five male individuals. Property investigators were also called to the residence in reference to this incident.
While searching the stolen vehicle, patrol deputies located stolen identification and bank cards that belonged to an individual who was a recent victim of an entering auto that occurred in Lizella. Property investigators recognized one of the males as a possible suspect in that investigation. It was verified, via surveillance footage from a local business, that 19-year-old Dontavious Jalan Houser used the stolen bank card, while making a purchase at that business. Houser was taken into custody, in reference to that investigation.
Bibb County Sheriff’s property investigators contacted investigators from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office in reference to this case. Investigators from the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office and Monroe County Sheriff’s Office shared possible leads and information into recent entering auto investigations from both counties.
Monroe County Sheriff’s investigators arrived at the Bass Road address and worked in cooperation with Bibb County Sheriff’s investigators. Three of the males that were at the residence were identified as suspects in recent entering autos that occurred Monroe County.
Two of those suspects were immediately transported to the Monroe County jail and charged in connection with their Entering Auto investigation. Dontavious Jalan Houser was also identified as a suspect with their investigation, but he will be transported to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, after facing charges in Bibb County.
A fourth individual was taken into custody in reference to a Jones County warrant. He was transported to the Jones County jail.
A search warrant was issued for the 833 Bass Road residence. Investigators located a large amount of marijuana and firearms, inside of a locked room. Drug Unit investigators were contacted and they will be conducting a separate investigation in reference to the guns and drugs that were located during the search warrant. Charges are pending further investigation.
Dontavious Jalan Houser, was transported to the Bibb County Law Enforcement Center for the charges of Entering Auto, Identity Fraud, When Using/Possessing Identifying Information Concerning a Person-Felony, Financial Transaction Card Fraud, Theft by Receiving Stolen Property, and he has a hold from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.
Houser also has a Bond Surrender from a recent arrest for the charges of Possession, Purchase, Manufacture or sale of Marijuana, also Possession of Controlled Substance or Marijuana within 1000 ft of a School, Manufacture Possession of Marijuana near a Park/Housing Project, (two counts) of Possession of a Firearm or Knife During a Commission of or Attempt to Commit Certain Felonies, Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, and Criminal Street Gang Activity.
This investigation is ongoing. Additional arrests and charges are pending further investigation. Anyone with information in reference to this investigation is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 or Macon Regional Crimestoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.