Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Property Investigators identified and arrested a female in connection with several package thefts that recently occurred in south Bibb County. Property Investigators received numerous tips which assisted in helping identify the female that was involved in these thefts.
Investigators met with 42-year-old Rebecca Michelle Knight and interviewed her about the package thefts. After Knight was interviewed, she was transported to the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Center.
Knight is currently being held for the charges of (4 counts) of Theft by Taking. Knight also has a separate hold for Probation- Felony. Knight currently does not have a bond.
Additional charges are pending further investigation.
Anyone with information in reference to this investigation or if you have information in reference to other thefts like this, you are urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500, or Macon Regional CrimeStoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.