The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a single vehicle traffic accident that occurred on Hawkinsville Road, just south of its intersection with Pio Nono Avenue. The accident took place at around 3:15 p.m.
It was reported that a driver of a dump truck was traveling north on Hawkinsville Road. The dump truck’s brakes failed as he entered an area where traffic had stopped. To avoid colliding with other vehicles the driver swerved to the right, hitting a guard rail, and then an overhead sign. The dump truck rolled onto its side before coming to a stop.
The driver, 40-year-old Dexter Barnes, was transported to the hospital and is listed in stable condition. No one else was injured during this accident.
*Bibb Sheriff’s Office Photograph attached, in reference to this accident.
Nearby construction workers are currently assisting by attempting to use construction equipment to remove the overhead sign from the top of the dump truck. The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is asking the media to assist by asking travelers to avoid the area until the accident scene has been cleared and the lanes reopened.