Bibb County Sheriff David Davis and deputies will be going into several communities beginning next week to help strengthen the partnership between the citizens and the Sheriff’s Office.


Bibb Sheriff David Davis said, “Most of the citizens in Bibb County are law-abiding people who only want to live without the fear of being a crime victim. We will walk through the streets to gather as many people as we can to join us. We want to give them the opportunity to walk side-by-side with law enforcement and tell us their concerns. We want to send a message to the criminals that our community will not tolerate crime.”

“This is basically how community oriented policing should work. We plan to get into the community not only to respond to incidents, but to help foster more involvement from the residents we serve. We need to partner together to make Macon-Bibb County the safest it can be. Essentially, it’s time to go for a walk


Deputies will be on hand to talk to neighborhood residents about what the Sheriff’s Office can do for them and how they can help the Sheriff’s Office keep their neighborhoods safe.


The first Walk for Safety will be on Thursday, June 11th at 7pm and will begin at the corner of Cedar Ave and Straight Street in Unionville. Other locations will be announced.


The invitation for the Walk for Safety is below. Anyone who would like to schedule a Walk for Safety in their area should contact Lt. Randy Gonzalez at 478-621-5644 or email




Empowering Macon-Bibb – Walking for Safety


A proactive initiative to engage the different neighborhoods throughout our community


The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office needs your help. We need your help to empower the neighborhoods of Macon-Bibb. We want to partner with you to help keep your neighborhood safe. To show the criminals that we have joined forces and that this is OUR community and not theirs.


The Sheriff’s Office can make sure that deputies do their part. We can make sure we have a presence in the communities.  We can make sure we arrest the evildoers. We can make sure we hold the criminals in jail. We can make sure that we respond to the calls for help.


We can make sure we do our part with prevention. We can make sure our Outreach Section gets into the schools and operates the youth programs to show our children right from wrong. We can make sure we get into the neighborhoods and help families get Neighborhood Watch groups off the ground.


But we still need your help. We need to know what you need from the Sheriff’s Office and how best to get you the assistance you need. We want to know where you see suspicious activity. We want to know where you see loitering. We want to know where you see drug dealing. We even want to know where you see vacant overgrown lots. We need you to work with us to help keep your neighborhood safe.


We also want to know that you will partner with us. A united effort will help to keep Macon-Bibb strong.


Come join us as we walk for our neighborhoods. Join us as we come together to work to make Macon-Bibb what it should be…and can be – safe.


Sheriff Davis and his deputies will be Walking for Safety, one neighborhood at a time, and he hopes you will join them.


Our first Walk for Safety will be Thursday, June 11th at 7:00PM in Unionville. Come join us as we “Take a walk for safety”.