Just after 8:30pm tonight Bibb County Deputies responded to the area of Pio Nono Avenue in regards to assisting Navicent Health Medical Center Police Department locate a stolen ambulance with one of their employee’s still in it. The employee was restocking the ambulance at 675 New Street, Navicent Ambulance Center. A black female jumped in the driver’s seat and drove off the lot with the employee still in the back of the ambulance.
The female drove to the area of Braswell Lane and Patterson Street. She then jumped out of the vehicle and the employee also got out. The employee was not harmed during the incident. The investigation is still ongoing at this time. Information will be released as it becomes available.
Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Bibb Sheriff’s Office at 478-751 -7500 or the Macon Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.