Memorial Day weekend is the start of summer vacation for many. It is a time for fun and relaxation. Don’t let your holiday be ruined by crime or accidents. The Bibb Sheriff’s Office would like to offer some safety tips to help make your Memorial Day holiday an enjoyable time.
- If you are going out of town, before leaving make sure to secure your home. Make sure you have good locks on all windows and doors. Don’t post pictures of your vacation on social media until after you return.
- Check the air pressure in your tires and have your regularly scheduled maintenance completed. Make sure your vehicle is road ready.
- Slow down and drive safely. Speeding is dangerous anytime. Additional highway congestion during the holiday increases the risk of injuries and fatalities. Always wear seatbelts and never drink and drive.
- Practice safe water safety if you are enjoying your Memorial Day holiday in or near the water. Don’t swim alone. Wear a life vest if boating and supervise children at all times when they are in or near the water.
- If you are out in the sun be sure to stay hydrated and use plenty of sunscreen. Don’t get over heated.
- Always keep emergency numbers handy. Emergencies never take a day off.
Bibb County Sheriff’s Deputies will be out over the Memorial Day Holiday, paying special attention to individuals who decide to drink and drive. We want to do our part to ensure that everyone has a safe Memorial Day Celebration.