Halloween will be observed in Macon-Bibb County on Thursday, October 31, 2019. The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office recommends “Trick or Treating” times from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. To help ensure Halloween is a treat, Sheriff David Davis and the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office want to share the following important safety tips:
• Wear a costume that is easily seen by others, especially motorists, and it is
easy to walk in.
• Avoid costumes with billowy, long-trailing fabric that can easily ignite or
be a tripping hazard.
• Make sure masks fit properly and eye holes are large enough to easily see
• Consider wearing facial make-up instead.
Driving Safely On Halloween
- Drivers should slow down and be extra cautious in residential areas. Children are excited on Halloween and move around in unpredictable ways.
- Drive slowly and anticipate heavy pedestrian traffic.
- Take the extra time to watch for children at intersections, along curbs and medians.
- Eliminate any distractions while driving.
or Treating
• Always go with friends and stay in a group. Plan your route, using well-lit
streets and tell your family which streets you plan to use and your return
• Parents or other adults should always go with the young trick-or-treaters.
Everyone should use flashlights or glow-sticks to increase visibility. Use
reflective tape on costumes.
• Cross only at corners, not in the middle of the block or from between parked
• Review with children how to safely cross a street by looking left, right and
left again to spot approaching cars. If no sidewalk, stay as far left of the
roadway as possible and walk facing traffic.
• Never eat any goodies until you are safely home and have checked all treats.
Parents should help youngsters check all treats. Throw away candy or food not
commercially wrapped and sealed. Notify parents and local law enforcement if
there are any suspicious treats.
• As an alternative, attend an organized Halloween party. It’s fun to get
together with other ghosts and goblins! If your children are attending
Halloween parties at others’ homes, remind them to be alert for ways out of the
home in an emergency.