The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report of a commercial armed robbery that took place at the Quick Serve, located at 584 Emery Highway. The incident was called into the Macon-Bibb 911 Center at 6:30 a.m., Tuesday morning.
According to witness statements, a male individual had been playing the store’s gaming machine. He complained to the clerk that he lost money in the machine. When the clerk went to check the machine, the male individual pointed an unknown weapon at his back. The male individual directed the clerk to the cash register and took an undisclosed amount of cash and also grabbed several packs of Newport cigarettes. The male individual fled the store in an unknown direction. No one was injured during the incident.
He was last seen wearing a blue skull cap, gray face mask, gloves, dark colored shirt and pants. The male was also wearing brown boots.
A photograph of the individual is attached to this media release.
Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 or Macon Regional Crimestoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.