The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a commercial armed robbery at the Flash Foods, located at 4314 Pio Nono Avenue. At around 11:30p.m., Monday night, an armed suspect entered the store and demanded money from the cash register and two cartons of cigarettes. Once the suspect received the items that he demanded, he fled the store and ran towards Glendale Avenue. No one was injured during this incident.
The suspect is described as a black male. He was wearing a black shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and he had on a black ski mask. The suspect also wore white gloves and he was carrying a revolver.
Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 and ask to leave a message for the “on-call” investigator or call Macon Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.