The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a commercial armed robbery that occurred Thursday night just after 11:00PM at the Waffle House located at 3620 Riverside Drive. It was reported that a black male entered the business armed with a handgun. The suspect demanded money from the 4 employees and 1 customer in the restaurant and also demanded the money from the restaurant’s cash register. The suspect took an undisclosed amount of cash from the customer and employees. He also took the cash drawer from the register which also contained an undisclosed amount of cash. The suspect fled the scene on foot. No one was injured during the incident. The suspect was described as wearing a blue bandana over his face, a desert colored camouflage boonie hat, black windbreaker type jogging pants and a long-sleeved gray shirt. He was also wearing gloves on his hands.
The incident is currently under investigation. Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 and ask to leave a message for the on-call Investigator or Macon Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.