The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a commercial armed robbery that took place at the Family Dollar, located at 3656 Jeffersonville Road. The incident took place at around 10:14p.m., Tuesday night.
It was reported that three masked males entered as the clerks were closing the store. All three of the suspects brandished handguns as they demanded money from the registers. Once the suspects received an undisclosed amount of cash and assorted boxes of cigarettes, they fled the scene in an unknown direction. No one was injured during this incident.
All three suspects were described as wearing black clothing. The suspects had bandanas and sunglasses over their faces. All three suspects had on gloves and “Jordan” shoes.
Anyone with information in reference to this incident is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 or Macon Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.