The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the Public’s Assistance in helping identify a male that damaged the rear glass doors and entered the Cashman’s Pub, located at 370 Cherry Street. The incident occurred on January 23, 2022 at around 3:00 a.m.
It was reported that a male individual entered the business by kicking in the rear glass doors of the business. Nothing was reported to have been taken, but the male caused damage the glass doors and its door frame.
The individual is described as a white male with brown hair. He is possibly between 20 to 35 years of age. He is approximately 160 to 190 lbs. He was last seen wearing a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots.
Photographs of the male are attached to this media release.
Anyone with information on the identity of the individual or if you know his whereabouts, you are urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500, or Macon Regional Crimestoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.