Bibb County Sheriff’s Office investigators are asking for the public’s assistance in helping identify a female suspect who broke into Dani Foods, located at 1286 Anthony Road, at 05:00 a.m.
It was reported that a female entered Dani Foods by climbing through a hole that was in the awning of the roof. She then climbed down into the secure area of the store and took activated lottery tickets. The suspect also burglarized the store on August 3rd and the 6th stealing cigarettes and lottery tickets.
Investigators are also attempting to identify a male subject that was walking by the store during the incident on August 17, 2020. He is asked to come forward with any information he might have about the burglary.
A picture of the possible male witness is attached to this press release.
Anyone with information on the identity or the whereabouts of the suspect or possible witness is urged to contact the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 478-751-7500 or Macon Regional Crimestoppers at 1-877-68CRIME.