The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Annual Night to Unite Kick-off/Press Conference will be Wednesday morning, October 9, 2019, 11:00 a.m. at the Tubman Museum, located at 310 Cherry Street.
The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office encourages you to unite against crime by spending the day with your neighbors, deputies, local government officials & firefighters. This is an annual event for the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office that promotes involvement in crime prevention activities, neighborhood camaraderie and encouraging communities to unite against crime. This year Neighborhood Watch groups and neighborhoods throughout Macon-Bibb County will celebrate “Night to Unite” with a variety of outdoor/indoor activities: crime prevention programs, block parties, cookouts, neighborhood clean-ups, decorated umbrella art, story time, distribution of various supplies, and visits from law enforcement, County Officials and Fire Department Personnel.
The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce partnerships with: Academy Sports, Warren and Associates, Macon-Bibb County Government, Macon Regional Crime Stoppers, Macon-Bibb County Fire Department, Macon-Bibb County Solid Waste Department, Advance Disposal, Macon Housing Authority, AARP, Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful, Tubman Museum, Macon Judicial Circuit – Reentry Services Division, Macon Transit Authority, Macon-Bibb County Parks & Recreation, Bibb County Public Schools, Faith Community.
For more information on Night to Unite or Neighborhood Watch, contact: Judy A. Gordon, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator (478) 745-5162 or (478) 447-9763